Construction Guidelines

Booth Types & Height Limits

Please pay careful attention to the descriptions below to be sure you follow the correct guidelines for your booth space and note the following: 

  • Height restrictions are strictly enforced but do not apply to an exhibitor’s equipment displayed “as sold”.

  • Bulky equipment should be placed in the booth in such a way that does not cause visual obstruction to neighboring displays.

  • Any product that exceeds the maximum height for the space may not display a company name or logo above the stated height limit. 


Inline:  Any space that is back-to-back with another space, regardless of size or location. 

  • Constructed display = 8’ height limit and any display or side walls over 42” must be kept in the back half of the space.

  • Hanging signs (from the ceiling) = not permitted.


Perimeter: Any space that is along the outer edges of the exhibit floor, with no exhibits behind them.  Shaded yellow on the original sales plan.

  • Constructed display = 20’ height limit and any display or side walls over 42” must be kept in the back half of the space.

  • Hanging signs (from the ceiling) = permitted with the top of the sign at a maximum height of 24’.


Island: Any one single space with aisles on all four sides. Shaded blue on the original sales plan. 

  • Constructed display = 16’ height limit.

  • Hanging signs (from the ceiling) = permitted with the top of the sign at a maximum height of 20’.


Peninsula: Any space that is created by the purchase of two back-to-back corner inline booths and is a minimum of 400 square feet.

The following are NOT considered peninsula booths and must follow the guidelines for standard inline booths: the combination of two 10’x10’ spaces; an island that has been split into two or more separate spaces or displays; an inline space (or combination of spaces) that runs a span between cross aisles.

See examples of peninsula spaces on a floorplan

  • Constructed display = 12’ height limit with unique setback rules.  In the 10’ of the booth closest to the neighboring exhibits, any part of the exhibit over 42” tall must be in the back half of the original inline space as it is shown on the original sales floor plan.  In the remainder of the space, display over 42” must be at least 5’ off the main aisles.

  • Hanging signs (from the ceiling) = permitted with the top of the sign at a maximum height of 12’.


Multi-Level & Covered Exhibits

Note: Special approval required.

Multi-level exhibit: a booth that has two levels, where the second level is designed to hold people. Multi-level exhibits are permitted but must adhere to the construction guidelines for the booth, including all height limits and setbacks.

In addition to Show Management approval, all multi-level exhibits must also be approved by the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) and the Orange County Fire Rescue Service Department. Plans can be submitted online using the Booth Layout Approval link below and will be passed on to the OCCC and fire safety for review and approval.  Be sure that plans show dimensions and a graphic rendering of the exhibit, and comply with the following guidelines:

  • Scaled, signed and dated by a registered architect or engineer

  • Include the show name & dates

  • Exhibitor name and booth #

  • Directional information (for example, aisle #s or neighboring booth #s)

Also note:

  • All materials used in the construction of multi-level and/or covered exhibits and all decorative materials within the exhibit must be non-combustible or limited combustible (flame-retardant) materials.

  • Booths with upper decks larger than 300 square feet have special safety requirements and should email as soon as possible for more information.

Covered exhibit: any booth with a portion of exhibit space that is covered by a material that prevents the building’s fire sprinkler system from discharging water unobstructed to the floor. Covered exhibits must have a battery operated smoke detector installed in the covered area and at least one 2-A, 10-BC portable, dry chemical fire extinguisher. Smoke detector must sound an audible alarm and fire extinguishers must be mounted in a visible location and accessible at all times.

In addition to Show Management approval, exhibits with 300 or more square feet of covered area must also be approved by the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) and the Orange County Fire Rescue Service Department. Plans can be submitted online using the Booth Layout Approval link below and will be passed on to the OCCC and fire safety for review and approval.  Be sure that plans show dimensions and a graphic rendering of the exhibit, and comply with the following guidelines:

  • Scaled, signed and dated by a registered architect or engineer

  • Include the show name & dates

  • Exhibitor name and booth #

  • Directional information (for example, aisle #s or neighboring booth #s)

Also note:

  • All materials used in the construction of multi-level and/or covered exhibits and all decorative materials within the exhibit must be non-combustible or limited combustible (flame-retardant) materials.

  • Booths with a covered area larger than 300 square feet have special safety requirements and should email as soon as possible for more information.

Hanging Signs/Display

Hanging signs: signs or equipment displays that are suspended from the ceiling. All aerial rigging requests must be pre-approved by Show Management to ensure they are within the appropriate height limit as described above. Show Management will coordinate with Freeman to create a list of exhibitors approved to order aerial rigging. To be added to the list, email the company name, booth number, intended height of the top of the sign, and whether or not the sign will require electricity to with the subject “hanging sign request”. You will be notified if there are any concerns, otherwise the company will be added to the approved list.

An exhibitor’s product may be hung from the ceiling if it is sold to be installed overhead, e.g. a ceiling fan. Email a special request with details to, subject “suspended equipment”. Product displays must adhere to the hanging sign height limits unless otherwise approved by Show Management for safety reasons.

Booth Layout Approval

Deadline to submit a booth layout for review is December 6

All exhibits, regardless of size or location, must be submitted to Show Management for review prior to the show. If you choose not to submit information in advance and your display is not within the construction guidelines for the AHR Expo, you may be required to make time consuming and potentially expensive changes on site.

Questions about these guidelines?

Contact Ben Stevens at